I've noticed that i'm getting hooked to blogging. Too bad, i already forgot that i have a personal diary where i could write on my experiences and feelings. Now, this blog has seemed to become the mirror of what is me. Well, I guess this is the good part of having a blog—to have something where you can pour how you feel (thanks to liv).
It seemed people now are so occupied with lots of things that are happening around: politics (I don’t have to elaborate; everybody knows what is happening in the political arena—impeachment of GMA, corruption, poll fraud, and many many others)… soaring oil prices… energy crisis…dengue…terrorism… fashion… money/riches… beauty (I mean physical beauty)…fame…entertainment… and a lot lot more…People value worldly things rather than nurturing good things, Godly things.
In a forum I once attended, a speaker said "everything boils down to values." He said people steal, corrupt, take advantage of their fellowmen and do bad things because they lack proper values and they do not fear God. Were they not taught proper values?
Values, values, values... Even how smart you are, how beautiful you are, how talented you are, how rich you are, if you lack proper values, you are nothing… As God said (I may sound preaching; I meant to) blessed are the pure in heart for they shall inherit the kingdom of God. Blessed are the meek for they shall see heaven…As the Ten Commandments points out: Love God and love your neighbor (summarized). If you do this, everything just follows.
Former senator and "the best president the country never had" Raul Roco once said: "If your foot is hurt, don’t blame it on your shoes." (may be I could write about this next time)
I still have a lot of things to say but let me just share the following "tenet" (dunno how this is called) by Max Ehrmann. I highlighted some points I want to emphasize. But all of these things are really of high importance.
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence (if you have nothing good to say, shut up because you would only be hurting other person). As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly (and watch out what you say because words pierce deeper, just like pen is mightier than the sword); and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit (must do).
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
getting married...
Hey guys, this is kinda funny. I got this somewhere in the net few months ago. Some lines might sound anti-women, but hey (men), don’t get it wrong… this is women empowerment…
This is intended for every all… For the singles who want to get married, those who are soon to be married, those who have just married, who have been married for long time, who have severed their marital ties, and those who no longer want to get married because they read this…
1. Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore, marriage is an institution for the blind.
2. Marriage is an institution in which a man losses his Bachelor’s degree and the woman gets her Master’s.
3. A married life is full of excitement. In the first year of marriage, a man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, both speak and the NEIGHBORS listen (I would prefer to experience the second year always).
4. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want and when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that instead.
5. There was this man who muttered a few words in church and found himself married. A year later, he muttered something in his sleep and found himself divorced.
6. Love is one long sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock (hahahahahahaha!).
7. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a 10-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
8. When a man steals your wife, there’s no better revenge than let him keep her (are women that worse?).
9. Marriage is a man and woman become one. The trouble when they try to decide which one.
10. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, “Aren’t you wearing your ring on the wrong finger?” The other replied, “Yes, I am! I married the wrong man.” (I might do the same in the future)
11. A man is incomplete until he gets married, then he is finished.
12. It doesn’t matter how many times a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss (are women really bossy?).
13. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing—either the car is new or the wife is.
14. Marriage is not a word. It’s a sentence (a life sentence).
…This is just to make you laugh. Marriage can be a good thing if you make it. If you’re still unmarried, don’t be scared. Marriage is better than waking up next to an empty pillow.
This is intended for every all… For the singles who want to get married, those who are soon to be married, those who have just married, who have been married for long time, who have severed their marital ties, and those who no longer want to get married because they read this…
1. Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore, marriage is an institution for the blind.
2. Marriage is an institution in which a man losses his Bachelor’s degree and the woman gets her Master’s.
3. A married life is full of excitement. In the first year of marriage, a man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, both speak and the NEIGHBORS listen (I would prefer to experience the second year always).
4. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want and when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that instead.
5. There was this man who muttered a few words in church and found himself married. A year later, he muttered something in his sleep and found himself divorced.
6. Love is one long sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock (hahahahahahaha!).
7. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a 10-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
8. When a man steals your wife, there’s no better revenge than let him keep her (are women that worse?).
9. Marriage is a man and woman become one. The trouble when they try to decide which one.
10. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, “Aren’t you wearing your ring on the wrong finger?” The other replied, “Yes, I am! I married the wrong man.” (I might do the same in the future)
11. A man is incomplete until he gets married, then he is finished.
12. It doesn’t matter how many times a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss (are women really bossy?).
13. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing—either the car is new or the wife is.
14. Marriage is not a word. It’s a sentence (a life sentence).
…This is just to make you laugh. Marriage can be a good thing if you make it. If you’re still unmarried, don’t be scared. Marriage is better than waking up next to an empty pillow.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
know me...
This is getting to be fun actually...Okay, here is what you are supposed to do... and trynot spoil the fun by copying (not forward) this entireblog and paste it into a one that you willpost. Change all of the answers so that they apply toYOU. It takes about 5 minutes. The theory is you will learn a lot of little things about your friends.
1. LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A THEATER? -- Mr. & Mrs. Smith (with Liv, Ryan and Ms. Debbie)
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? -- 7 rules for writers, the littleprince (i've read it several times already), City of Joy ( i read it, one page a month. i borrowed it from Liv last year... ugh!)
3. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? --- dama? i don't know any, actually
4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE/s? -- any... FHM? (who says only men reads it?...hehehe)
5. FAVORITE SMELL? -- smell of the forest, musk
6. FAVORITE SOUND? -- silence
8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF IN THE MORNING? -- my cute pup... POPO (short for Popovich,hehehehe...) water, food
9. FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE? -- used to be Jollibee and mcDo. ops! lifestylecheck...
10. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? -- Ryu Ken, Winkle Alekhine
11. WHAT WOULD YOU NAME YOUR NEXT PET AND WHAT WOULDIT BE? -- anybody who can give me a pup? i'll name it after the "giver"
12. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? -- God, my family, friends,everything i have, anything in this world..
13. FINISH THE STATEMENT, "IF I HAD LOTS OF MONEY"? -- i must havetrillions (billions would do if this is too big) i'll divide andgive it equally to all people (let's see what would happen next)
14. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? -- nope (samok!)
15. STORMS... COOL OR SCARY? -- i don't like floods!and working despite the bad weather.
17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR/s? -- white, pastel colors
18. WOULD YOU WEAR A BIKINI OR A ONE-PIECE SUIT TO THEBEACH? -- two-piece, of course! (a pair of slippers! lol...)
19. FINISH THE STATEMENT..."IF I HAD ALL THE TIME INTHE WORLD I WOULD": -- spend it with family, friends (visit oldfriends and relatives). treat them to a beach party (if i have money.any sponsors?)
21. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE?-- yellow (don't ask me why.. i just liked it!)
22. GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY? -- full, i drink a lot of water(literally)
23. HOW MANY DIFFERENT CITIES HAVE YOU LIVED IN? -- two (cebu andiloilo)
24. FAVORITE PLACE TO RELAX? -- under a tree, inside a cool room (allalone)
25. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? basketball, football,(synchronized) swimming
26. FAVORITE PART OF THE HOUSE? comfort room... i feel comfortable
27. WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? none. i want it clean.
28. CRUSH? none
29. WHO WOULD YOU HAVE DINNER WITH, (dead, alive, orfictional) AND WHAT WOULD BE YOUR TOPIC OFCONVERSATION? -- (whosetreat?)
a) God -- ask Him why can't He make everything last, why there issuffering.
b) cinderella -- how (can i find and) live ever after with the man ilove?
c)therapist (for the heart) -- does time really heals wounds? (ora counselor. i need volunteer coz i don't have bucks to pay for hisservice)
d) cupid -- practice more.. he always hit the wrong target.
30. FAVE GET-UP? -- jeans and shirt
1. LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A THEATER? -- Mr. & Mrs. Smith (with Liv, Ryan and Ms. Debbie)
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? -- 7 rules for writers, the littleprince (i've read it several times already), City of Joy ( i read it, one page a month. i borrowed it from Liv last year... ugh!)
3. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? --- dama? i don't know any, actually
4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE/s? -- any... FHM? (who says only men reads it?...hehehe)
5. FAVORITE SMELL? -- smell of the forest, musk
6. FAVORITE SOUND? -- silence
8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF IN THE MORNING? -- my cute pup... POPO (short for Popovich,hehehehe...) water, food
9. FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE? -- used to be Jollibee and mcDo. ops! lifestylecheck...
10. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? -- Ryu Ken, Winkle Alekhine
11. WHAT WOULD YOU NAME YOUR NEXT PET AND WHAT WOULDIT BE? -- anybody who can give me a pup? i'll name it after the "giver"
12. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? -- God, my family, friends,everything i have, anything in this world..
13. FINISH THE STATEMENT, "IF I HAD LOTS OF MONEY"? -- i must havetrillions (billions would do if this is too big) i'll divide andgive it equally to all people (let's see what would happen next)
14. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? -- nope (samok!)
15. STORMS... COOL OR SCARY? -- i don't like floods!and working despite the bad weather.
17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR/s? -- white, pastel colors
18. WOULD YOU WEAR A BIKINI OR A ONE-PIECE SUIT TO THEBEACH? -- two-piece, of course! (a pair of slippers! lol...)
19. FINISH THE STATEMENT..."IF I HAD ALL THE TIME INTHE WORLD I WOULD": -- spend it with family, friends (visit oldfriends and relatives). treat them to a beach party (if i have money.any sponsors?)
21. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE?-- yellow (don't ask me why.. i just liked it!)
22. GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY? -- full, i drink a lot of water(literally)
23. HOW MANY DIFFERENT CITIES HAVE YOU LIVED IN? -- two (cebu andiloilo)
24. FAVORITE PLACE TO RELAX? -- under a tree, inside a cool room (allalone)
25. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? basketball, football,(synchronized) swimming
26. FAVORITE PART OF THE HOUSE? comfort room... i feel comfortable
27. WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? none. i want it clean.
28. CRUSH? none
29. WHO WOULD YOU HAVE DINNER WITH, (dead, alive, orfictional) AND WHAT WOULD BE YOUR TOPIC OFCONVERSATION? -- (whosetreat?)
a) God -- ask Him why can't He make everything last, why there issuffering.
b) cinderella -- how (can i find and) live ever after with the man ilove?
c)therapist (for the heart) -- does time really heals wounds? (ora counselor. i need volunteer coz i don't have bucks to pay for hisservice)
d) cupid -- practice more.. he always hit the wrong target.
30. FAVE GET-UP? -- jeans and shirt
...and so we live (to pose, az in!)

Aquí estaban sean otra vez en nuestra la mayoría del colocar que deseabl. esto nos ganó nuestro último cheque de pago. grrr
(we are serious, promize!)
here we are (while they are not!)

Acabamos de votars como el más feo en el pueblo. ¡Pero somos muy felices, usted no ve?!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
i am an impostor
Comments on this come-out-of-nowhere blog is very much welcome. But since it is my first time to post a blog that is really crafted by me, or is a product of my worst experience, please be kind. No violent reactions please….
(Finally, I would be able to post this. I actually started drafting this right after that "fateful" incident but due to some unavoidable circumstances, i.e., I’m busy and I have so many things to say. I finished writing this just right now)
This would also prove that some high security/high risk companies are not that really stiff in implementing security measures. Just read on…
President Arroyo was here in Cebu last two Wednesdays ago. And as usual, as a "Malacañang (in the south) beat reporter," I was assigned to cover one of her engagements in Mactan Export Processing Zone.To be specific, I was tasked to cover her inauguration of the sewage treatment plant-water reuse facility at the economic zone scheduled at 3:30 p.m. But aside from that, there is also another activity in Timex, which is also inside MEPZ.
Since I’ll be covering the activity of the chief executive of this country, I need to be at the venue earlier than her. We also need to go there early because Lapu-Lapu City is still few miles away and it takes a lot of weaving in the heavily-trafficked streets of Cebu and Mandaue before we get there. And so, we left TF at 1:30 p.m. This despite Liv’s plea (which I found very irresistible) that we dropped her at the Palace of Justice where she reigns as the sole princess (it's a palace so there should be a princess..hehehehe).
While Eric (the TF editorial driver) and I were about to leave, an unknown number, which I later learned to be Ma’am Divine’s (our Community section ed) sent me a text message if I would cover Arroyo at Timex. I said no because my assignment is PEZA’s wastewater treatment facility inauguration.However, when we were halfway to Mactan, Joy Torrejos (our over excited fotog) phoned me. He said he would be waiting for us in Timex, which he said is inside PEZA. So be it.
When we arrived at MEPZ, we proceed directly to Timex. The guard, upon learning that we are from the media (it’s obvious, we were using the company’s marked vehicle), opened the gate and let us in. He told me to check at with the guards if my name is among those who were invited to cover the event.
And this is now the highlight of the whole story. When I told the guards my name, they told me: "Ma’am meron na pong nakapasok na Wenna Berondo." Of course, I was surprised! "Ha?!? But I am Wenna Berondo!" But the guards explained they could not let me in because I don’t have a security pass because they already gave it to "Wenna Berondo." But I am she and it could not be possible that there is another media person in Cebu with same name as mine.
Without being told to do so, I pulled out my ID, raised it parallel to the guards’ faces and blurted out: "Sa tingin nyo ba impostor ako?!?" The Presidential Security Group member (there were 3 Timex security guards and a PSG man at the gate), who just silently stood beside the guard post, checked my ID. Then he radioed his colleagues who are inside to look for the person who took my security pass. What if the person who used my name is a terrorist or a hitman hired to assassinate the President (God forbid)? I could hardly imagine how alarmed they were. All in my mind was how to prove I am Wenna Berondo and how to get out of the mess.
I argued with the guards in mixed English and Tagalog (Tag-lish). I was also texting Queenie (our day desk ed), telling her I could not get inside Timex/MEPZ. She told me to contact the persons from the PIA. I also called Joy T. and asked him who used my SP, he could not give me an answer. Grrrr…
I don’t understand what I felt (as in). It was the first time that my identity was questioned. May be I was irritated. Why? Because they seem to pretend that they implement strict security but they allowed somebody to get my security pass without even asking that person for an ID to prove that he/she would be given a security pass.The guards said someone who claimed to be also from The Freeman uses my SP and he/she was with the group of Iste (also TF fotog). It was only then I realized it could be Ma’am Divine, who earlier sent me a message if I would go to Timex. But she did not say she would use my SP. If she did, I could have shunned from going there. So, I just asked where the site for the wastewater treatment because I’ll just proceed there. But they will not let me go! The (old) woman guard (who may be the chief of security of Timex) told me to stay until they establish who used my SP. So there, I was held in the guard house for about 30 minutes….arrggghhh… I was blaming the guards. Lax in security, I told them. But the (old) woman guard was pleading because if I keep on, it would be discovered it’s their entire fault after all (hope they learn their lesson).
I was only "rescued" when Bob (of PIA) came. He told the guards I am a reporter of TF and he knows me. Just few steps away, we saw Joy T. ("Lami jud ni siya duklon," I thought… I refuse to elaborate) coming bringing my SP. We went inside the establishment and went with the pack of reporters.
Arroyo arrived almost 4 p.m. he stayed in Timex just about 30 minutes then proceed to the inauguration of wastewater treatment.
And the rest was part of history….
By the way I came across Marc Nelson in Timex. I was going out of the building and he was going inside. We have contact… eye to eye…hehehehe. He smiled but I just looked at him. "Aba, isnabera…" he might have thought. :)
Comments on this come-out-of-nowhere blog is very much welcome. But since it is my first time to post a blog that is really crafted by me, or is a product of my worst experience, please be kind. No violent reactions please….
(Finally, I would be able to post this. I actually started drafting this right after that "fateful" incident but due to some unavoidable circumstances, i.e., I’m busy and I have so many things to say. I finished writing this just right now)
This would also prove that some high security/high risk companies are not that really stiff in implementing security measures. Just read on…
President Arroyo was here in Cebu last two Wednesdays ago. And as usual, as a "Malacañang (in the south) beat reporter," I was assigned to cover one of her engagements in Mactan Export Processing Zone.To be specific, I was tasked to cover her inauguration of the sewage treatment plant-water reuse facility at the economic zone scheduled at 3:30 p.m. But aside from that, there is also another activity in Timex, which is also inside MEPZ.
Since I’ll be covering the activity of the chief executive of this country, I need to be at the venue earlier than her. We also need to go there early because Lapu-Lapu City is still few miles away and it takes a lot of weaving in the heavily-trafficked streets of Cebu and Mandaue before we get there. And so, we left TF at 1:30 p.m. This despite Liv’s plea (which I found very irresistible) that we dropped her at the Palace of Justice where she reigns as the sole princess (it's a palace so there should be a princess..hehehehe).
While Eric (the TF editorial driver) and I were about to leave, an unknown number, which I later learned to be Ma’am Divine’s (our Community section ed) sent me a text message if I would cover Arroyo at Timex. I said no because my assignment is PEZA’s wastewater treatment facility inauguration.However, when we were halfway to Mactan, Joy Torrejos (our over excited fotog) phoned me. He said he would be waiting for us in Timex, which he said is inside PEZA. So be it.
When we arrived at MEPZ, we proceed directly to Timex. The guard, upon learning that we are from the media (it’s obvious, we were using the company’s marked vehicle), opened the gate and let us in. He told me to check at with the guards if my name is among those who were invited to cover the event.
And this is now the highlight of the whole story. When I told the guards my name, they told me: "Ma’am meron na pong nakapasok na Wenna Berondo." Of course, I was surprised! "Ha?!? But I am Wenna Berondo!" But the guards explained they could not let me in because I don’t have a security pass because they already gave it to "Wenna Berondo." But I am she and it could not be possible that there is another media person in Cebu with same name as mine.
Without being told to do so, I pulled out my ID, raised it parallel to the guards’ faces and blurted out: "Sa tingin nyo ba impostor ako?!?" The Presidential Security Group member (there were 3 Timex security guards and a PSG man at the gate), who just silently stood beside the guard post, checked my ID. Then he radioed his colleagues who are inside to look for the person who took my security pass. What if the person who used my name is a terrorist or a hitman hired to assassinate the President (God forbid)? I could hardly imagine how alarmed they were. All in my mind was how to prove I am Wenna Berondo and how to get out of the mess.
I argued with the guards in mixed English and Tagalog (Tag-lish). I was also texting Queenie (our day desk ed), telling her I could not get inside Timex/MEPZ. She told me to contact the persons from the PIA. I also called Joy T. and asked him who used my SP, he could not give me an answer. Grrrr…
I don’t understand what I felt (as in). It was the first time that my identity was questioned. May be I was irritated. Why? Because they seem to pretend that they implement strict security but they allowed somebody to get my security pass without even asking that person for an ID to prove that he/she would be given a security pass.The guards said someone who claimed to be also from The Freeman uses my SP and he/she was with the group of Iste (also TF fotog). It was only then I realized it could be Ma’am Divine, who earlier sent me a message if I would go to Timex. But she did not say she would use my SP. If she did, I could have shunned from going there. So, I just asked where the site for the wastewater treatment because I’ll just proceed there. But they will not let me go! The (old) woman guard (who may be the chief of security of Timex) told me to stay until they establish who used my SP. So there, I was held in the guard house for about 30 minutes….arrggghhh… I was blaming the guards. Lax in security, I told them. But the (old) woman guard was pleading because if I keep on, it would be discovered it’s their entire fault after all (hope they learn their lesson).
I was only "rescued" when Bob (of PIA) came. He told the guards I am a reporter of TF and he knows me. Just few steps away, we saw Joy T. ("Lami jud ni siya duklon," I thought… I refuse to elaborate) coming bringing my SP. We went inside the establishment and went with the pack of reporters.
Arroyo arrived almost 4 p.m. he stayed in Timex just about 30 minutes then proceed to the inauguration of wastewater treatment.
And the rest was part of history….
By the way I came across Marc Nelson in Timex. I was going out of the building and he was going inside. We have contact… eye to eye…hehehehe. He smiled but I just looked at him. "Aba, isnabera…" he might have thought. :)
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